List fo how-tos related to tese operations:
Unsafe alternative
The following kinds of data migrations are unsafe
UPDATE table SET column = value;
UPDATE table SET column = value WHERE condition;
Where many rows are updated, this will take a long time to complete, and, as a FOR UPDATE lock is obtained on the selected rows, writes to those rows will be blocked until the migration is complete.
Safe alternative
Modify the data in batches that take about a second each to execute. This will reduce the amount of time the lock is held.
Execute the script in a persistent shell:
set -e
for i in {0..100}; do
echo "=== === === Batch#{i}"
psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -v v1="${i}" -f migration.sql
SET statement_timeout = 2000;
\timing on
UPDATE table
SET column = value
id >= (:v1 + 0) _ 1000
AND id < (:v1 + 1) _ 1000
In this example, we use the primary key of the table to chunk the rows into batches of 1000, and the start and stop range 0..100
was determined manually. Also, the transaction is useless, but it may be necessary for more complex migrations. Furthermore, we enable timing so that we have insight on how long each update takes. Finally, it is trivial to stop/resume by altering the start of the range.