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{'annotations': {'': 'id-of-config'}, 'color': 'yellow', 'description': 'Represents Kubernetes clusters that we run inside of GKE.', 'icon': 'bolt', 'name': 'Kubernetes Cluster', 'ranked': True, 'source_repo_url': ''}


Name Type Description
description str

Human readble description of this type Example: Represents Kubernetes clusters that we run inside of GKE..

name str

Name is the human readable name of this type Example: Kubernetes Cluster.

annotations Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyAnnotations]

Annotations that can track metadata about this type Example: {'': 'id-of-config'}.

color Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyColor]

Sets the display color of this type in the dashboard Example: yellow.

icon Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyIcon]

Sets the display icon of this type in the dashboard Example: bolt.

ranked Union[Unset, bool]

If this type should be ranked Example: True.

source_repo_url Union[Unset, str]

The url of the external repository where this type is managed Example:

Source code in incident_io_client/models/
class CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBody:
        {'annotations': {'': 'id-of-config'}, 'color': 'yellow', 'description':
            'Represents Kubernetes clusters that we run inside of GKE.', 'icon': 'bolt', 'name': 'Kubernetes Cluster',
            'ranked': True, 'source_repo_url': ''}

        description (str): Human readble description of this type Example: Represents Kubernetes clusters that we run
            inside of GKE..
        name (str): Name is the human readable name of this type Example: Kubernetes Cluster.
        annotations (Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyAnnotations]): Annotations that can track metadata about
            this type Example: {'': 'id-of-config'}.
        color (Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyColor]): Sets the display color of this type in the dashboard
            Example: yellow.
        icon (Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyIcon]): Sets the display icon of this type in the dashboard
            Example: bolt.
        ranked (Union[Unset, bool]): If this type should be ranked Example: True.
        source_repo_url (Union[Unset, str]): The url of the external repository where this type is managed Example:

    description: str
    name: str
    annotations: Union[Unset, "CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyAnnotations"] = UNSET
    color: Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyColor] = UNSET
    icon: Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyIcon] = UNSET
    ranked: Union[Unset, bool] = UNSET
    source_repo_url: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    additional_properties: Dict[str, Any] = _attrs_field(init=False, factory=dict)

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        description = self.description

        name =

        annotations: Union[Unset, Dict[str, Any]] = UNSET
        if not isinstance(self.annotations, Unset):
            annotations = self.annotations.to_dict()

        color: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
        if not isinstance(self.color, Unset):
            color = self.color.value

        icon: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
        if not isinstance(self.icon, Unset):
            icon = self.icon.value

        ranked = self.ranked

        source_repo_url = self.source_repo_url

        field_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}
                "description": description,
                "name": name,
        if annotations is not UNSET:
            field_dict["annotations"] = annotations
        if color is not UNSET:
            field_dict["color"] = color
        if icon is not UNSET:
            field_dict["icon"] = icon
        if ranked is not UNSET:
            field_dict["ranked"] = ranked
        if source_repo_url is not UNSET:
            field_dict["source_repo_url"] = source_repo_url

        return field_dict

    def from_dict(cls: Type[T], src_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> T:
        from ..models.catalog_v2_update_type_request_body_annotations import (

        d = src_dict.copy()
        description = d.pop("description")

        name = d.pop("name")

        _annotations = d.pop("annotations", UNSET)
        annotations: Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyAnnotations]
        if isinstance(_annotations, Unset):
            annotations = UNSET
            annotations = CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyAnnotations.from_dict(_annotations)

        _color = d.pop("color", UNSET)
        color: Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyColor]
        if isinstance(_color, Unset):
            color = UNSET
            color = CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyColor(_color)

        _icon = d.pop("icon", UNSET)
        icon: Union[Unset, CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyIcon]
        if isinstance(_icon, Unset):
            icon = UNSET
            icon = CatalogV2UpdateTypeRequestBodyIcon(_icon)

        ranked = d.pop("ranked", UNSET)

        source_repo_url = d.pop("source_repo_url", UNSET)

        catalog_v2_update_type_request_body = cls(

        catalog_v2_update_type_request_body.additional_properties = d
        return catalog_v2_update_type_request_body

    def additional_keys(self) -> List[str]:
        return list(self.additional_properties.keys())

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        return self.additional_properties[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        self.additional_properties[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
        del self.additional_properties[key]

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return key in self.additional_properties