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{'created_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'incident_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'merged_into_incident_id': 'abc123', 'message': "We're working on a fix, hoping to ship in the next 30 minutes", 'new_incident_status': {'category': 'triage', 'created_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'description': "Impact has been fully mitigated, and we're ready to learn from this incident.", 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYD5H', 'name': 'Closed', 'rank': 4, 'updated_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z'}, 'new_severity': {'created_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'description': 'Issues with low impact.', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'Minor', 'rank': 1, 'updated_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z'}, 'updater': {'api_key': {'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'My test API key'}, 'user': {'email': '', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'Lisa Karlin Curtis', 'role': 'viewer', 'slack_user_id': 'U02AYNF2XJM'}}}


Name Type Description
created_at datetime

When the update was created Example: 2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z.

id str

Unique identifier for this incident update Example: 01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0.

incident_id str

The incident this update relates to Example: 01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0.

new_incident_status IncidentStatusV2

Example: {'category': 'triage', 'created_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'description': "Impact has been fully mitigated, and we're ready to learn from this incident.", 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYD5H', 'name': 'Closed', 'rank': 4, 'updated_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z'}.

updater ActorV2

Example: {'api_key': {'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'My test API key'}, 'user': {'email': '', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'Lisa Karlin Curtis', 'role': 'viewer', 'slack_user_id': 'U02AYNF2XJM'}}.

merged_into_incident_id Union[Unset, str]

The ID of the incident that this incident was merged into, if it was merged in to another incident Example: abc123.

message Union[Unset, str]

Message that explains the context behind the update Example: We're working on a fix, hoping to ship in the next 30 minutes.

new_severity Union[Unset, SeverityV2]

Example: {'created_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'description': 'Issues with low impact.', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'Minor', 'rank': 1, 'updated_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z'}.

Source code in incident_io_client/models/
class IncidentUpdateV2:
        {'created_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'incident_id':
            '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'merged_into_incident_id': 'abc123', 'message': "We're working on a fix, hoping to
            ship in the next 30 minutes", 'new_incident_status': {'category': 'triage', 'created_at':
            '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'description': "Impact has been **fully mitigated**, and we're ready to learn
            from this incident.", 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYD5H', 'name': 'Closed', 'rank': 4, 'updated_at':
            '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z'}, 'new_severity': {'created_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'description':
            'Issues with **low impact**.', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'Minor', 'rank': 1, 'updated_at':
            '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z'}, 'updater': {'api_key': {'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'My test API
            key'}, 'user': {'email': '', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'Lisa Karlin Curtis',
            'role': 'viewer', 'slack_user_id': 'U02AYNF2XJM'}}}

        created_at (datetime.datetime): When the update was created Example: 2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z.
        id (str): Unique identifier for this incident update Example: 01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0.
        incident_id (str): The incident this update relates to Example: 01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0.
        new_incident_status (IncidentStatusV2):  Example: {'category': 'triage', 'created_at':
            '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'description': "Impact has been **fully mitigated**, and we're ready to learn
            from this incident.", 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYD5H', 'name': 'Closed', 'rank': 4, 'updated_at':
        updater (ActorV2):  Example: {'api_key': {'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'My test API key'},
            'user': {'email': '', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'Lisa Karlin Curtis', 'role':
            'viewer', 'slack_user_id': 'U02AYNF2XJM'}}.
        merged_into_incident_id (Union[Unset, str]): The ID of the incident that this incident was merged into, if it
            was merged in to another incident Example: abc123.
        message (Union[Unset, str]): Message that explains the context behind the update Example: We're working on a
            fix, hoping to ship in the next 30 minutes.
        new_severity (Union[Unset, SeverityV2]):  Example: {'created_at': '2021-08-17T13:28:57.801578Z', 'description':
            'Issues with **low impact**.', 'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'name': 'Minor', 'rank': 1, 'updated_at':

    created_at: datetime.datetime
    id: str
    incident_id: str
    new_incident_status: "IncidentStatusV2"
    updater: "ActorV2"
    merged_into_incident_id: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    message: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    new_severity: Union[Unset, "SeverityV2"] = UNSET
    additional_properties: Dict[str, Any] = _attrs_field(init=False, factory=dict)

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        created_at = self.created_at.isoformat()

        id =

        incident_id = self.incident_id

        new_incident_status = self.new_incident_status.to_dict()

        updater = self.updater.to_dict()

        merged_into_incident_id = self.merged_into_incident_id

        message = self.message

        new_severity: Union[Unset, Dict[str, Any]] = UNSET
        if not isinstance(self.new_severity, Unset):
            new_severity = self.new_severity.to_dict()

        field_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}
                "created_at": created_at,
                "id": id,
                "incident_id": incident_id,
                "new_incident_status": new_incident_status,
                "updater": updater,
        if merged_into_incident_id is not UNSET:
            field_dict["merged_into_incident_id"] = merged_into_incident_id
        if message is not UNSET:
            field_dict["message"] = message
        if new_severity is not UNSET:
            field_dict["new_severity"] = new_severity

        return field_dict

    def from_dict(cls: Type[T], src_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> T:
        from ..models.actor_v2 import ActorV2
        from ..models.incident_status_v2 import IncidentStatusV2
        from ..models.severity_v2 import SeverityV2

        d = src_dict.copy()
        created_at = isoparse(d.pop("created_at"))

        id = d.pop("id")

        incident_id = d.pop("incident_id")

        new_incident_status = IncidentStatusV2.from_dict(d.pop("new_incident_status"))

        updater = ActorV2.from_dict(d.pop("updater"))

        merged_into_incident_id = d.pop("merged_into_incident_id", UNSET)

        message = d.pop("message", UNSET)

        _new_severity = d.pop("new_severity", UNSET)
        new_severity: Union[Unset, SeverityV2]
        if isinstance(_new_severity, Unset):
            new_severity = UNSET
            new_severity = SeverityV2.from_dict(_new_severity)

        incident_update_v2 = cls(

        incident_update_v2.additional_properties = d
        return incident_update_v2

    def additional_keys(self) -> List[str]:
        return list(self.additional_properties.keys())

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        return self.additional_properties[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        self.additional_properties[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
        del self.additional_properties[key]

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return key in self.additional_properties