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{'custom_field_entries': [{'custom_field_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'values': [{'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_catalog_entry_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_link': '', 'value_numeric': '123.456', 'value_option_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_text': 'This is my text field, I hope you like it', 'value_timestamp': ''}]}], 'idempotency_key': 'alert- uuid', 'incident_role_assignments': [{'assignee': {'email': '', 'id': '01G0J1EXE7AXZ2C93K61WBPYEH', 'slack_user_id': 'USER123'}, 'incident_role_id': '01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96'}], 'incident_type_id': '01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96', 'mode': 'real', 'name': 'Our database is sad', 'severity_id': '01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96', 'slack_team_id': 'T02A1FSLE8J', 'source_message_channel_id': 'C02AW36C1M5', 'source_message_timestamp': '1653650280.526509', 'status': 'triage', 'summary': "Our database is really really sad, and we don't know why yet.", 'visibility': 'public'}


Name Type Description
idempotency_key str

Unique string used to de-duplicate incident create requests Example: alert-uuid.

visibility IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyVisibility

Whether the incident should be open to anyone in your Slack workspace (public), or invite-only (private). For more information on Private Incidents see our help centre. Example: public.

custom_field_entries Union[Unset, List[CustomFieldEntryPayloadV1]]

Set the incident's custom fields to these values Example: [{'custom_field_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'values': [{'id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_catalog_entry_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_link': '', 'value_numeric': '123.456', 'value_option_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_text': 'This is my text field, I hope you like it', 'value_timestamp': ''}]}].

incident_role_assignments Union[Unset, List[IncidentRoleAssignmentPayloadV1]]

Assign incident roles to these people Example: [{'assignee': {'email': '', 'id': '01G0J1EXE7AXZ2C93K61WBPYEH', 'slack_user_id': 'USER123'}, 'incident_role_id': '01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96'}].

incident_type_id Union[Unset, str]

Incident type to create this incident as Example: 01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96.

mode Union[Unset, IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyMode]

Whether the incident is real or test Example: real.

name Union[Unset, str]

Explanation of the incident Example: Our database is sad.

severity_id Union[Unset, str]

Severity to create incident as Example: 01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96.

slack_team_id Union[Unset, str]

ID of the Slack team / workspace. This is only required if you are using a Slack Enterprise Grid with multiple teams. Example: T02A1FSLE8J.

source_message_channel_id Union[Unset, str]

Channel ID of the source message, if this incident was created from one Example: C02AW36C1M5.

source_message_timestamp Union[Unset, str]

Timestamp of the source message, if this incident was created from one Example: 1653650280.526509.

status Union[Unset, IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyStatus]

Current status of the incident Example: triage.

summary Union[Unset, str]

Detailed description of the incident Example: Our database is really really sad, and we don't know why yet..

Source code in incident_io_client/models/
class IncidentsV1CreateRequestBody:
        {'custom_field_entries': [{'custom_field_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'values': [{'id':
            '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_catalog_entry_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_link':
            '', 'value_numeric': '123.456', 'value_option_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0',
            'value_text': 'This is my text field, I hope you like it', 'value_timestamp': ''}]}], 'idempotency_key': 'alert-
            uuid', 'incident_role_assignments': [{'assignee': {'email': '', 'id':
            '01G0J1EXE7AXZ2C93K61WBPYEH', 'slack_user_id': 'USER123'}, 'incident_role_id': '01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96'}],
            'incident_type_id': '01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96', 'mode': 'real', 'name': 'Our database is sad', 'severity_id':
            '01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96', 'slack_team_id': 'T02A1FSLE8J', 'source_message_channel_id': 'C02AW36C1M5',
            'source_message_timestamp': '1653650280.526509', 'status': 'triage', 'summary': "Our database is really really
            sad, and we don't know why yet.", 'visibility': 'public'}

        idempotency_key (str): Unique string used to de-duplicate incident create requests Example: alert-uuid.
        visibility (IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyVisibility): Whether the incident should be open to anyone in your Slack
            workspace (public), or invite-only (private). For more information on Private Incidents see our [help
            Example: public.
        custom_field_entries (Union[Unset, List['CustomFieldEntryPayloadV1']]): Set the incident's custom fields to
            these values Example: [{'custom_field_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'values': [{'id':
            '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_catalog_entry_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0', 'value_link':
            '', 'value_numeric': '123.456', 'value_option_id': '01FCNDV6P870EA6S7TK1DSYDG0',
            'value_text': 'This is my text field, I hope you like it', 'value_timestamp': ''}]}].
        incident_role_assignments (Union[Unset, List['IncidentRoleAssignmentPayloadV1']]): Assign incident roles to
            these people Example: [{'assignee': {'email': '', 'id': '01G0J1EXE7AXZ2C93K61WBPYEH',
            'slack_user_id': 'USER123'}, 'incident_role_id': '01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96'}].
        incident_type_id (Union[Unset, str]): Incident type to create this incident as Example:
        mode (Union[Unset, IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyMode]): Whether the incident is real or test Example: real.
        name (Union[Unset, str]): Explanation of the incident Example: Our database is sad.
        severity_id (Union[Unset, str]): Severity to create incident as Example: 01FH5TZRWMNAFB0DZ23FD1TV96.
        slack_team_id (Union[Unset, str]): ID of the Slack team / workspace. This is only required if you are using a
            Slack Enterprise Grid with multiple teams. Example: T02A1FSLE8J.
        source_message_channel_id (Union[Unset, str]): Channel ID of the source message, if this incident was created
            from one Example: C02AW36C1M5.
        source_message_timestamp (Union[Unset, str]): Timestamp of the source message, if this incident was created from
            one Example: 1653650280.526509.
        status (Union[Unset, IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyStatus]): Current status of the incident Example: triage.
        summary (Union[Unset, str]): Detailed description of the incident Example: Our database is really really sad,
            and we don't know why yet..

    idempotency_key: str
    visibility: IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyVisibility
    custom_field_entries: Union[Unset, List["CustomFieldEntryPayloadV1"]] = UNSET
    incident_role_assignments: Union[Unset, List["IncidentRoleAssignmentPayloadV1"]] = UNSET
    incident_type_id: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    mode: Union[Unset, IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyMode] = UNSET
    name: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    severity_id: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    slack_team_id: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    source_message_channel_id: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    source_message_timestamp: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    status: Union[Unset, IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyStatus] = UNSET
    summary: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
    additional_properties: Dict[str, Any] = _attrs_field(init=False, factory=dict)

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        idempotency_key = self.idempotency_key

        visibility = self.visibility.value

        custom_field_entries: Union[Unset, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = UNSET
        if not isinstance(self.custom_field_entries, Unset):
            custom_field_entries = []
            for custom_field_entries_item_data in self.custom_field_entries:
                custom_field_entries_item = custom_field_entries_item_data.to_dict()

        incident_role_assignments: Union[Unset, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = UNSET
        if not isinstance(self.incident_role_assignments, Unset):
            incident_role_assignments = []
            for incident_role_assignments_item_data in self.incident_role_assignments:
                incident_role_assignments_item = incident_role_assignments_item_data.to_dict()

        incident_type_id = self.incident_type_id

        mode: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
        if not isinstance(self.mode, Unset):
            mode = self.mode.value

        name =

        severity_id = self.severity_id

        slack_team_id = self.slack_team_id

        source_message_channel_id = self.source_message_channel_id

        source_message_timestamp = self.source_message_timestamp

        status: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
        if not isinstance(self.status, Unset):
            status = self.status.value

        summary = self.summary

        field_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}
                "idempotency_key": idempotency_key,
                "visibility": visibility,
        if custom_field_entries is not UNSET:
            field_dict["custom_field_entries"] = custom_field_entries
        if incident_role_assignments is not UNSET:
            field_dict["incident_role_assignments"] = incident_role_assignments
        if incident_type_id is not UNSET:
            field_dict["incident_type_id"] = incident_type_id
        if mode is not UNSET:
            field_dict["mode"] = mode
        if name is not UNSET:
            field_dict["name"] = name
        if severity_id is not UNSET:
            field_dict["severity_id"] = severity_id
        if slack_team_id is not UNSET:
            field_dict["slack_team_id"] = slack_team_id
        if source_message_channel_id is not UNSET:
            field_dict["source_message_channel_id"] = source_message_channel_id
        if source_message_timestamp is not UNSET:
            field_dict["source_message_timestamp"] = source_message_timestamp
        if status is not UNSET:
            field_dict["status"] = status
        if summary is not UNSET:
            field_dict["summary"] = summary

        return field_dict

    def from_dict(cls: Type[T], src_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> T:
        from ..models.custom_field_entry_payload_v1 import CustomFieldEntryPayloadV1
        from ..models.incident_role_assignment_payload_v1 import (

        d = src_dict.copy()
        idempotency_key = d.pop("idempotency_key")

        visibility = IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyVisibility(d.pop("visibility"))

        custom_field_entries = []
        _custom_field_entries = d.pop("custom_field_entries", UNSET)
        for custom_field_entries_item_data in _custom_field_entries or []:
            custom_field_entries_item = CustomFieldEntryPayloadV1.from_dict(


        incident_role_assignments = []
        _incident_role_assignments = d.pop("incident_role_assignments", UNSET)
        for incident_role_assignments_item_data in _incident_role_assignments or []:
            incident_role_assignments_item = IncidentRoleAssignmentPayloadV1.from_dict(


        incident_type_id = d.pop("incident_type_id", UNSET)

        _mode = d.pop("mode", UNSET)
        mode: Union[Unset, IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyMode]
        if isinstance(_mode, Unset):
            mode = UNSET
            mode = IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyMode(_mode)

        name = d.pop("name", UNSET)

        severity_id = d.pop("severity_id", UNSET)

        slack_team_id = d.pop("slack_team_id", UNSET)

        source_message_channel_id = d.pop("source_message_channel_id", UNSET)

        source_message_timestamp = d.pop("source_message_timestamp", UNSET)

        _status = d.pop("status", UNSET)
        status: Union[Unset, IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyStatus]
        if isinstance(_status, Unset):
            status = UNSET
            status = IncidentsV1CreateRequestBodyStatus(_status)

        summary = d.pop("summary", UNSET)

        incidents_v1_create_request_body = cls(

        incidents_v1_create_request_body.additional_properties = d
        return incidents_v1_create_request_body

    def additional_keys(self) -> List[str]:
        return list(self.additional_properties.keys())

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        return self.additional_properties[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
        self.additional_properties[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
        del self.additional_properties[key]

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return key in self.additional_properties