class RetrospectiveIncidentOptionsV2:
{'postmortem_document_url': 'https://docs.google.com/my_doc_id', 'slack_channel_id': 'abc123'}
postmortem_document_url (Union[Unset, str]): If the incident mode is 'retrospective', pass the URL of the
postmortem to attach it to the incident Example: https://docs.google.com/my_doc_id.
slack_channel_id (Union[Unset, str]): If the incident mode is 'retrospective', pass the ID of a Slack channel in
your workspace to attach the incident to an existing channel, rather than creating a new one Example: abc123.
postmortem_document_url: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
slack_channel_id: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET
additional_properties: Dict[str, Any] = _attrs_field(init=False, factory=dict)
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
postmortem_document_url = self.postmortem_document_url
slack_channel_id = self.slack_channel_id
field_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if postmortem_document_url is not UNSET:
field_dict["postmortem_document_url"] = postmortem_document_url
if slack_channel_id is not UNSET:
field_dict["slack_channel_id"] = slack_channel_id
return field_dict
def from_dict(cls: Type[T], src_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> T:
d = src_dict.copy()
postmortem_document_url = d.pop("postmortem_document_url", UNSET)
slack_channel_id = d.pop("slack_channel_id", UNSET)
retrospective_incident_options_v2 = cls(
retrospective_incident_options_v2.additional_properties = d
return retrospective_incident_options_v2
def additional_keys(self) -> List[str]:
return list(self.additional_properties.keys())
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
return self.additional_properties[key]
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
self.additional_properties[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
del self.additional_properties[key]
def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
return key in self.additional_properties